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Hello and thank you so much for visiting my website. My name is Lora Yeater
and I am a professional photographer. I am also a mother of two beautiful adult children, have a love for God and love helping others to make a difference in someone else’s life and love seeking the beauty in our world. I also know all too well the struggles that effect parents when one of their children is inflicted with an illness. My son was diagnosed with AML Leukemia in 2012. He is currently in remission and doing great, so a lot of my work is used to bring happiness and joy to those families going through similar situations.
I enjoy volunteering my services to WVU Children's Hospital, so parents can have a beautiful portrait  of their child.  But it was a personal life event which has brought me here today. On January 16, 2017, my life completely changed for the worse. I went in the hospital for a hysterectomy and during the procedure my bowels were nicked..I was in and out of hospitals for over 2 years during and following that procedure.
In February of 2018, after all the reconstruction surgeries and hospital visits, I was fitted for an Ostomy pouch. I had to learn to live with this huge adjustment not only on my body, but my every day way of life. I started slowly working out and feeling better about life again until April of 2018, when I had to have emergency surgery because my small intestine had twisted, and I was losing oxygen. My Doctor said I needed emergency surgery or I was going to die.   These events led me into a deep state of depression and this was not my normal outlook and attitude. I felt like I was living in a glass bottle and could only sit and watch as life passed me by. After about a few months of these feelings, I looked in the mirror and asked myself how I can serve others that are going through similar situations?
So now, here we are, a new business to empower other women and preteens that have an Ostomy. I am designing Ostomy wraps that are beautifully designed for looks and comfort. These are very stylish that will help with body image, confidence and intimacy. My passion is to help as many women and preteens that have went through this life altering process in their own lives. I hope you enjoy browsing my web site and that you can find that “Simply Beautiful" product that can help restore the self-confidence and beauty in your life.
"I praise YOU because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
Psalm 139:14
This is so true for your life.
YOU are God's amazing creation.
Lots of Love and Hugs,
Lora Yeater

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We love people who are helping make a difference in the world!

Checkout these two wonderful women below as an example.


Ostomy Diaries

How I Regained Confidence with an Ostomy

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